Tuesday, May 17, 2016

From the Kotel to Kfar Nokdim

Hey Gang!
With an early wake-up we packed our bags for our next destination. Excited but very hot from this weather we got on the bus and went to the Old City. We davened at the egalitarian part of the Wall where people read Torah, had Aliyot and prayed. Afterwards, we saw a computerized presentation of what the Old City looks like now and what the area looked like 2,000 years ago. It was very detailed. When I watched it I felt like I was in a video game!  Later, we went to the Jewish quarter where there was very good shopping (sorry Mom, none for you ;) but don't worry I got great stuff!) Our teachers and chaperons bought us lemon ice cream pops (thanks!)

My favorite part of the day was when we finally reached the Kotel. You can not imagine how hard it is to squeeze your notes into the wall. 50% of the notes lay on the ground as others fight to find a space. I felt honored to touch the rocky textured wall for the very first time. As I stood and leaned my head against the wall I got a little emotional. The feeling that rushed before me I have never felt before. It was a connection. I encourage everyone, if you have gone, or not, to come to Israel and visit the Kotel.


Once we all got to experience the Kotel, we went through the tunnels under the Kotel to see the rest of the Western Wall (from below!).  We then got a surprise from our chaperons and went to Ben- Yehuda Street for lunch, where we all got delicious food and shopped some more.

Finally, after a while, we made it to the Bedouin Campsite (Kfar Nokdim). Right away, we had an opportunity to ride camels for a few minutes... When our ride ended, we got an introduction to the Bedouin tents with some tea. We then got situated in our tent and played games before dinner. After dinner, we all got to hang out with each other. At night, we all had a bonfire and played games and roasted marshmallows. Shalom! 

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